Keeping with tradition and because we love it, we made care packages for basically anyone who needs it.
We use a gallon zip lock bag for easy transport, easy hand out, lots can fit inside and it's reusable. Most items you may acquire on travel at hotels, throughout the year or in samples. Typical items might include:
- tooth brush - new, best in bulk at discount stores
- toothpaste - new, best at discount stores
- deodorant - new
- socks - gently used, especially if your husband or son gets new ones all the time
- soap - new bar (lasts longer than gel)
- shampoo - by big size and put in recycled containers or buy at discount stores
- baby wipes
- tissues
- a hand towel - gently used
- gloves, hat, scarf - gently used
- disposable razor - bulk at discount stores
- Halloween treats
- granola bar
- raisins or peanuts
- pre-made fixings in small cans or pouches like tuna, pork-n-beans, weenies, crackers
- napkins, fork, spoon - just one goes a long way
- girls' hygiene products - a few pads, tampons, scented spray
- address book or notepad
- a list of local places/pantries to get free/discounted foods
You run into one or two who doesn't want it. A few will say, "give it to the other guy". But most will take it and thank you... twice or more. Either way, be respectful and keep it moving.
Every religious doctrine will tell you of the goodness within us, in the Earth and beyond. There is always hope.
The note we included this year says enough...
Revelation 21:3, 4 -3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
What are some other ideas that would fit in a gallon zip lock bag?